
2019年1月6日—Hello.IhavegotaViewsonicXG2530.WheneverItrytodoUFOTest,Ialwaysgetsyncfailure.Theframerategoesaround235-239.,2023年2月7日—Mostcommonissueismultimonitor.Disablemultimonitor,oronlyusetheprimarymonitor.CheckyourSystemTray/checkyourbrowserextensions ...,2023年10月29日—TriedrunningUFOtestonmymonitor.InallbrowsersIget:QuoteSYNCFAILURE:UnabletoVSYNC.Tryclosingallappsandbrowsertabs.,2017年...


2019年1月6日 — Hello. I have got a Viewsonic XG2530. Whenever I try to do UFO Test, I always get sync failure. The frame rate goes around 235-239.


2023年2月7日 — Most common issue is multimonitor. Disable multimonitor, or only use the primary monitor. Check your System Tray / check your browser extensions ...

LG 27GP850 vsync tests fail

2023年10月29日 — Tried running UFO test on my monitor. In all browsers I get: Quote SYNC FAILURE: Unable to VSYNC. Try closing all apps and browser tabs.

Quistion about UFO TEST

2017年1月24日 — When I change the ECO MODE options the hz changes, but it never hits 144hz. ANd teh test fails with SYNC FAILURE: Imperfect sync. Try closing ...

Blur busters UFO test - stutters and won't sync?

2023年3月18日 — Blur busters UFO test - stutters and won't sync? Troubleshooting. Hi all ... With a yellow warning message instead of the red sync failure message.

ICUE - With it installed UFO TEST will not sync..

2023年12月21日 — UFO TEST with ICUE installed doesn't work, it just doesn't AT ALL - Also makes games lag and fcuks frame times. If you're having any issues ...

Variable Refresh Rate Demo — G

This test simulates variable refresh rate technologies including G-SYNC, FreeSync, VESA AdaptiveSync, HDMI 2.1 VRR, and others. Variable refresh rates (VRR) ...


This test simulates the G-SYNC variable refresh rate (VRR) technology. G-SYNC eliminate stutters by varying the refresh rate to exactly match a fluctuating ...

Demo of Stutters, Tearing, and Framerate Fluctuations

Tearing & Bad Stuttering - Simulation of worst-case scenario. G-SYNC - Simulation of NVIDIA G-SYNC which allows stutter-free transitions between frame rates. G- ...